

Hello everybody, as most of you know I am working as an English teacher at a course. The students are at the sixth and seventh grades. There is a student in the seventh grade, and he makes me mad. He always talks in class, he sings, he chews gum, he never listens to me and never participates in class. I looked at him in the eyes, it did not worked. I called his name, it did not work. I warned him, it did not work... (hrrrrrr). I saw that he is behaving in the same way during the other courses, too. The other students told me to send him out of the class, because the other teachers did so, and the student begged to come back to the class. Some other students also said that I should call his parents, but I don't think that it is a good idea because he is afraid of that. So, everybody, what should I do with him? I need your help...